Bagging Up The Piss

Bagging Up The Piss


Our latest scene on VIPissy features stunning dark haired babes Amanda Hill and Antonia Sainz. Amanda comes home and finds Antonia in a dressing down on the couch. This pair start to kiss passionately and Antonia helps Amanda pull down her denim hotpants to get a closer look at her perfect ass! Once Amanda is down to her tank top and stockings, Antonia holds a clear plastic bag underneath her while Amanda fills it up with her golden piss. She bites a hole in the corner and her warm pee starts to drizzle out in her mouth and all over her tank top and pussy. Amanda pulls down her top and lets her nipples get wet with pee before Antonia starts to lick her all over and taste her juices. These pissing lesbians switch places and Antonia pees into a bag while bent over with her leg up on the couch. Once these girls are both drenched in their pee, Amanda lays down on the couch and gets her trimmed pussy licked by Antonia. Amanda pees on some saran wrap then rubs it against Antonia's pussy before Antonia pees down on the plastic as it slopes down on to Amanda's tits. These hot pissing pornstars love to take turns and enjoy some pee in mouth action and golden showers to make sure they get seriously soaked in their warm piss!
Tags: close pink, doggystyle, fingering pussy, fingers, foreplay, girl girl pissing, kissing, lesbian pissing, masturbation, natural, on her knees, pissing, pussy licking, pussy wash, wet panties
Models: Antonia Sainz
Length: 27:40
Published: 17 Feb 2021

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